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National Immunization Awareness Month 


Vaccines save lives, preventing millions of deaths and disabilities every year. They are second only to clean water in being the most important health intervention in reducing the burden of disease. 

Due to Covid-19, people all over the world have missed out on routine vaccinations, leaving them vulnerable to the spread of serious diseases like meningitis. Anyone at any age can contract a dangerous (yet preventable) disease like meningitis. However, young children and young adults are at a particular risk. As schools, colleges and universities in many countries plan to re-open in the coming months, now is the time to ensure that you and your family are protected. 

Crowd with Masks

National Immunization Awareness Month is held every August in the U.S to raise awareness of the value of vaccination at all ages. This message is more important than ever, not just the U.S but for everyone.  

That's why we've created U.S-specific and global resources you can download and share on your social media channels to raise awareness of this issue.

Contact your local healthcare provider. Stay safe. Get vaccinated. Support essential workers. 



Many people in the U.S have not been able to access their routine vaccinations. As a number of school districts across the country plan to resume in-person classes in September, there is a serious risk that infectious diseases will spread. To help keep students and wider communities safe, check if you or a loved one are missing any vaccinations.



Vaccines prevent an estimated 2-3 million deaths every year but disruptions to immunization services can put people at risk. With physical distancing measures easing in many parts of the world, now is the time find out if you've missed any vaccinations. Raise awareness with your networks by sharing any of our infographics. 


Vaccine Myth Buster

For some, vaccines can cause a confusion or alarm. And yet vaccines have been described as one of the most powerful tools in the history of public health. Learning more about vaccines from scientifically verified and trustworthy sources can help to address your concerns, but please feel free to get in touch.

Suggested social media posts  

#VaccinesWork to save lives. During the #Covid-19 pandemic, millions of people missed out on immunisations that stop the spread of serious diseases. Talk to your healthcare provider today about catching up with recommended vaccines. #ivax2protect

*Post #VaccinesWork infographic on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram*

#VaccinesWork to protect you, your loved ones and the entire community from life-threatening diseases, like #meningitis. When you vaccinate, you are saving lives. #ivax2protect

*Post with the How Do Vaccines Work? infographic on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram*

Are you up to date with your recommended vaccinations? Talk to your healthcare provider today. #VaccinesWork #ivax2protect

*Post with the Value of Vaccines infographic on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram

Misinformation can be dangerous – especially when it stops people from getting life-saving medical interventions. Learn the facts about vaccines from a reputable source: #ivax2protect

*Post with a Vaccine Myth Buster infographic on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram

Support the campaign 

  • Find out about catch-up immunization services in your area.

  • Learn more by visiting the campaign's homepage on the CDC's website. 

  • Learn more about prevention on CoMO's Vaccines Q&A page

  • Create your own social media posts using the suggested posts and resources above. Use the hashtag: #ivax2protect. 

  • Follow CoMO on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram so you can like and share our content to your networks. 

Image credit: Heather Hazzan, SELF Magazine.

Last updated: August 2020

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