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World Meningitis Day 2012


If I’d Known Then What I Know Now

The If I’d Known Then What I Know Now video podcast was viewed more than 2,255 times and translated into 11 languages (Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish).

Survivors, parents and a family doctor shared their own experiences of meningitis and what they would do differently if they had their time over again.

Join Hands

1,644 people joined hands against meningitis through its online global community.

Through a Join Hands animation created for World Meningitis Day 2012, people from all over the world could find out more about meningitis and the work of CoMO and our members, read real-life stories, see who else was taking part worldwide, and join their hands to create a unified voice in the fight against meningitis.


World Meningitis Day Activities

CoMO members delivered a range of World Meningitis Day events, campaigns and awareness-raising activities.

They did interviews, presentations, press conferences and symposia. They wrote petitions that got thousands of signatures. They hosted meet-and-greet luncheons and worked with celebrity patrons who had been touched by the disease.

They ran World Meningitis Day poster competitions, information stands and community events. They produced World Meningitis Day flyers, posters and resources. They hosted lectures, exhibitions, sponsored walks, pizza nights and a ‘Wear a Crazy Hat for a Day’ campaign. They even did an on-field interview during an Australian Football League match in front of 40,000 people.

Fundacion Irene Megias in Spain created a documentary, Alas de Mariposa (Butterfly wings), about two patient’s stories and launched a smart phone app about the signs and symptoms of meningitis.The World Meningitis Day message was on display in New York’s Times Square and the Las Vegas’ Fashion Show Mall in the US. And in the Philippines, they coordinated a ‘Vaccination Mission’ that offered free meningitis-preventing vaccines to the community.

CoMO also led on a range of toolkits, press releases, articles, e-cards and social media activities that took the World Meningitis Day message across the world.


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CoMO Logo + established 2004 - transpare

© Confederation of Meningitis Organisations and Meningitis Research Foundation
A charity registered in England and Wales no 1091105, in Scotland no SC037586, & in Ireland 20034368
A company limited by guarantee, registered in England no 4367866
Registered Office: Room 703, The Programme Building 7th Floor, The Pithay, Bristol BS1 2NB

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