Knowledge, and its application, is transformative in the fight to defeat meningitis. It is why we strive to connect people and research to drive action, so lives are saved. From the development and improvement of vaccines, diagnostics and treatments, to understanding the lifelong impact of meningitis and how people can be supported to have the best possible life outcomes, research plays a leading role.
Answering your request for more on scientific developments
We know that CoMO members, including those whose lives have been directly affected by meningitis, want to know how research is working towards leaving no family behind in the effort to defeat meningitis.
In our 2022 and 2023 member development surveys, "scientific developments" was rated by members as the fourth most popular area of interest for future training or resources (out of a choice of fourteen options).
That is why our members’ conference always has sessions devoted to scientific developments.
Introducing our latest member resource, Researching meningitis: the latest progress
Building on this request from you for more on the latest scientific developments, we have collaborated with our colleagues to create an occasional series that brings together a summary of the latest research findings.
Called Researching meningitis: the latest progress, in this first issue you can read about:
How the vaccine which protects against the type of meningococcal meningitis, called MenB, could also unlock protection against gonorrhoea.
How protection against pneumococcal meningitis is expanding.
What antimicrobial resistance could mean for the treatment of bacterial meningitis.
What could enable improved rapid diagnosis of meningitis.
Developments in improving healthcare pathways and symptom recognition.
Progress in understanding the long-term effects of bacterial meningitis.
Read issue 1 of Researching meningitis: the latest progress now.
Have more ideas for resources you’d like to see us develop?
Watch out for our 2024 CoMO member development survey (coming soon), where you can share your views, helping shape the resources we create for our members across the world.