13 September 2015
Today is World Sepsis Day, a day to raise awareness about the illness and to learn about what action must be taken to protect people all over the world.
According to the Global Sepsis Alliance, globally, 20 to 30 million patients are estimated to be afflicted every year, with over 6 million cases of neonatal and early childhood sepsis and over 100,000 cases of maternal sepsis. At the Confederation of Meningitis Organisations of course our focus is normally on meningitis; however it is very common for people with meningitis to also succumb to septicaemia. All three of the most common meningitis bacteria (meningococcus, pneumococcus, and Hib) can cause septicaemia, but it occurs in a much larger proportion of meningococcal infections.
The Global Sepsis Alliance is calling for support to ensure sepsis becomes a government priority and to improve the resources available to identify, treat and prevent the illness. You can download their World Sepsis Declaration here, to read their key aims and objectives for 2020 in full. CoMO has signed the declaration because we believe that the changes outlined are vital to save lives, if you would also like to show your support you can sign it here.
For more information about the Global Sepsis Alliance and World Sepsis Day please visit their website. You can also download information and infographics on sepsis from their toolkit here.
For more information please contact:
Samantha Rosoman, Admin and Marketing Officer