Global campaigns
Introducing the meningitis flag
Find out how the CoMO member community helped to create the flag as a global symbol to defeat meningtis. Learn how you can fly the flag to protect, support.
Race to 2030
In 2021 the World Health Organisation (WHO) made a plan to defeat meningitis by 2030 with a global road map. Race to 2030 has information, updates and resources to help you get involved.

CoMO membership
Global support, local action: a united member network of organisations, health care professionals and people affected by meningitis, committed to creating a future where this deadly and devastating disease has been defeated within our communities and countries.
We have over 150 members in over 55 countries. Members include organisations & associated non-governmental organisations (NGOs), affected individuals and healthcare professionals.
Why defeating meningitis matters to our members
This powerful video shows members talking about why they want to defeat meningitis. They describe what action they are taking to make a change.

Latest from the CoMO blog
Read the blog to hear about member activities around the world. Find out how members are campaigning for change at the highest level and using our joint voice to defeat meningitis by 2030.
#DefeatMeningitis by 2030.